Minggu, 17 November 2013

Overcome Fear in Investing

For some people consider something risky investments . Ultimately rely on deposits money in the bank for unexpected needs and the elderly . Have funds in savings was considered as a safe way for minimal risk when investing . But saving money is not enough . Inflation tends to rise can make money is reduced . One way to invest money to develop , although any investment that has each risk . But it does not have to invest a greater risk . Importantly , understand the risks and make him as your friend in achieving goals .
The following tips:
1 . Recognize your profileEveryone has a safe level different in investing . By analyzing and recognizing risk profile , then one can set the limits of acceptable risk and selecting investment products that make it comfortable . Because in the end , the most important thing for an investor is able to sleep soundly at night .
2 . Consider a company that has a clearMany types of investments that offer attractive schemes , but it did not have valid licenses . Before considering , make sure the company offering the investment has a business license from the regulator . If the shape of financial products , its license from the Financial Services Authority .In addition , the reputation and track record could also be a reference . Some companies or products will have the history of the awards that demonstrate consistency of performance and success .
3 . Find causal risk emergenceEach seller certainly explain all the nice things of the product . I was offered this way : "Sir , this product you return 10 % last month loh . Aja Pak Uda try . "Always remember , the return and risk as two eyes of the same coin . If there are products you return 10 % a month , which means he can also give a 10% loss a month . So , be critical to find out what causal . What is the cause of the increase ? If conditions turn around , what are the risks ?To add the information from the seller , take the time to learn from books / internet and follow the seminar / public courses .
4 . Choose a product suits the purposeChoosing an investment product is like choosing a vehicle . If you want to highlight , select the Jakarta naek car . But if we go to Bali , select the plane is not a car , because it is more effective .So it is with investing . For short-term goals , we use a safer instruments such as deposits or bonds . If the goal is still long , we could use a more risky instruments , such as saham.Tapi if done otherwise ( short-term in stock , long-term deposits )
5 . spread the riskThis is the last way to minimize risk . Spread the risk or the fancy term " diversification " can be done in 2 parts : the product spread and spread his time .In other words , investments made ​​in some products and gradually . So the risk is not concentrated on one product alone . And the amount of the investment at the same time not too big d iawal , but divided sebagian2 within a certain period .All investments , there must be a risk . But it does not have to invest a greater risk . Importantly , understand the risks and make him as your friend in achieving goals

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